I want to become a member

Step 1: Fill out the Membership Application

Download and print  the Membership Application (English) (for another language (Swedish, German or Italian) see the links below) and the Personal Data Protection Document (Spanish). Next, fill in the required information. Don’t forget to indicate the date and sign at the end of the documents.

You will need to email us:

  • A copy of your photo id (passport, identity card, …).
  • A copy of payment receipt corresponding to the first payment.
  • Data Protection Form signed.

Membership Application (English) + Personal Data Protection (Spanish).

Ansökan om Medlemskap (Svenska) + Skydd av personuppgifter (på spanska)

Mitgliedschaftsantrag (Deutsch) + Schutz personenbezogener Daten (auf Spanisch)

Domanda di Adesione (Italiano) + Protezione dei dati personali (in spagnolo)

If you send your Membership Application and Data Protection Document by e-mail, then you need to scan it.

Step 2: Make your first payment

With «Bank transfer or Direct deposit», you must make your first payment.

  • Yearly payment: the amount will be 60€, (corresponds to 5€ per month).

Remember to make your payment yearly. In the Membership Application you can find our bank details.

For future payments you should aim to make your payment in the first ten days of the year.

Step 3: Prepare the require documents

Along with the membership form you must also send the following:

  • A copy of your photo id (passport, identity card, …).
  • A copy of payment receipt corresponding to the first payment.
  • Data Protection Form signed.

If you send your Membership Application by e-mail don’t forget to scan and send the above also.

Step 4: Send the documents

You can send all the required documents to: